Your Pregnancy Week-by-Week - 6 Weeks Pregnant
6 Weeks Pregnant
Baby's head takes shape
You may be struggling with full-blown signs of pregnancy, but there's still plenty of good news. In the conspicuous bump on top of the head, the folds of tissue form into the jaw, cheeks and chin of your infant, which will gradually become an adorable face.
Her kidneys, liver and lungs, along with her little heart, which is now beating about 110 times a minute, are also taking shape this week (and getting faster every day).
6 weeks pregnant is how many months?
If you're 6 weeks old, so you're in your second month of pregnancy. There are only 7 months left to go!
Measuring your embryo
Practitioners weigh infants as young as yours during embryo and fetal development, from the precious little crown to the sweet little rump. That's how her legs will be twisted as your baby grows, making it hard to get a precise reading on the body's full length.
The crown-to-rump measurement of your infant is anywhere from a fifth to a quarter of an inch when you're 6 weeks pregnant and rising, making it the size of a nailhead or a sweet pea (your little sweet pea!).
Your Body at Week 6
Frequent urination
On the outside, your body may not have changed yet, but any time you feel queasy or bloated or plunge head-first into your sixth grapefruit of the day, you will be reminded you are 6 weeks pregnant, funny because you have never craved grapefruit before.
One more clue? You are more in the toilet than you are out of it. Frequent urination is a symptom that no pregnant woman likes, especially when you just need to break up your sleep right now, but it's one of the most common symptoms of pregnancy, particularly early on.
About why? The pregnancy hormone hCG, for one thing, induces a rise in blood flow to your pelvic region, good for increased sexual gratification, not so good while you're at the cinema one hour into a two-hour movie.
What's more, ridding your body of waste is getting more beneficial for your kidneys. Add to that the fact that your rising uterus starts pulling down on your bladder, leaving less urinary storage capacity, and you have a great (pee) storm. Luckily, as the uterus grows into the abdominal cavity in the second trimester, this burden is always eased.
Here's a fast tip: when you pee, lean forward to ensure that your bladder is completely drained each time. Then, pee again when you think you're done. You would require fewer trips to the bathroom this way. Your body needs a steady stream of water, so don't be tempted to cut down on liquids.
Heartburn and indigestion
The odds of getting through the next nine months heartburn-free are almost zero. Here's the not-so-great news. That's because at the top of the intestine, the muscle band that normally stops digestive juices from backing up relaxes.
But here is better news: if you skip foods such as oranges and onions, you can mitigate the effects, and indeed, like pizza and pasta sauce, you can keep away from greasy and spicy foods. Take your time eating and wear clothing that doesn't restrict your stomach. It's also a smart idea to finish dinner at least four hours before you go to bed and keep your head up as you're lying on a pillow.