Your Pregnancy Week-by-Week - 14 Weeks Pregnant
Baby is standing up straight
Your infant is jumping and bounding as he or she develops. She's the size of a navel orange or your clenched fist now, and she's always moving — and those motions are nothing like the jerky twitches of the previous trimester (though you won't feel any of them for weeks). They've been more balletic, sleek, and flowing.
When it comes to ballet, you'll have to wait years before you start nagging your child to stand up straight — but, believe it or not, she's doing it right now, without prompting! No more slouching; your baby's neck is lengthening, causing her head to stand more straight. Your fetus would look more straightened out as a result of this.
14 weeks pregnant is how many months?
You're in month 4 of your pregnancy if you're 14 weeks old. There are just 5 months left!
Baby's sprouting hair and lanugo
By week 14 of pregnancy, the baby's brows will be filled in and hair may be sprouting (though the final color will not be decided before birth).
However, hair development is not confined to the baby's head. She also has a downy coat of hair called lanugo, which is mostly for comfort. You won't have to think about giving birth to a monkey: Later in your pregnancy, when fat accumulates — the baby's fat, not yours — Most of the lanugo sheds as it takes over the job of keeping your little bean wet. Some infants, particularly those born prematurely, have a fuzzy coating when they are delivered, but it fades easily.
This week's highlights include a roof of her own — inside your baby's mouth, to be precise — as well as some digestive system activity: Meconium, the waste that will make up her first bowel movement since birth, is being formed by her intestines.
Your Body at Week 14

One down, two to go!
Welcome to the second trimester, which is (almost) everyone's favorite, and for good cause! You're probably feeling a little peppier and a lot more human when the first trimester pregnancy woes disappear. Hopefully, your breasts aren't as tender as they were in the previous trimester, and your stamina level is returning.
There's even more good news on the way: less morning sickness and less visits to the bathroom. Much better, it may be time to start shopping at pregnancy boutiques when you're beginning to display — rather than looking like you've had too much lunch.
Since your uterus is rising out of the pelvic area and into the lower belly, this is the case. If you push down just above your pelvic bone in your lower abdomen, you may be able to feel the tip of your uterus, called the fundus. Isn't it incredible?
Your 14 weeks pregnant belly
Now that you're finally in the second trimester, it's probably time to start looking for maternity wear, as many women start to look overweight and "pop" about this time.
But keep in mind that your 14-week-pregnant belly, no matter how big or tiny, is perfectly natural. Pregnant women bear their babies in various ways based on their height and figure, as well as whether or not this is their first birth. So take a deep breath and relax, recognizing that your baby bump at 14 weeks is fine, no matter how it happens! Of course, if you have any concerns, contact the healthcare provider.
Staying healthy
You're more vulnerable to colds, measles, and other bugs when you're pregnant, as if you didn't have plenty to deal with now. That's how your immune system is suppressed during birth to prevent your fetus, which is a foreigner to your body, from being rejected.
It's important to indulge in some germ warfare if you want to remain safe. The best defense is a powerful offensive now more than ever, particularly when germs are spread around the office or home like canapés.
Wash your hands often — and have liquid sanitizer on hand in case a sink isn't available — don't share water, snacks, or toothbrushes, and stay away from sick people like the plague. It's perfectly acceptable to confine a sick partner to the sofa.
If you think you've contracted something, see the doctor as soon as possible, and he or she will handle you according to your unique needs. Antibiotics are used to cure bacterial infections. They're ineffective against infections and colds, so don't be afraid to take them if you've learned the medications aren't healthy during breastfeeding. Many are, and the safest treatment for your kid is to get better quickly.