Breastfeeding after a C-Section

First nursing after birth
If possible, the time immediately after your baby is born is a great time to start breastfeeding. You will still be under the effects of the spinal/epidural and probably not yet feeling any discomfort. You will likely have to nurse lying on your back, because of the epidural. Since one arm may be restrained, it may get a little tricky. Try positioning baby lying face down across your breasts (similar to cradle hold, but baby is higher up and away from your incision, and mom is lying flat). When nursing in this position with a newborn, have someone nearby to make sure baby’s nose doesn’t get blocked, since you both may be groggy from the meds. Have your partner or a nurse help position the baby, and use lots of pillows around you to help with support.
Nurse early and often
Ideally, you’ll want to put your baby to breast within the first hour. Studies show that when time to breast is longer than this, babies have more difficulty breastfeeding and engorgement is more severe. If something prevents the baby from being put to breast within the first hour, you should begin pumping with a hospital-grade breastpump.
Watch for your baby’s hunger cues. Breastfeeding at least every 2 hours during the day with a nighttime span no longer than 4 hours is highly recommended–you’re aiming for 10-12 feedings per 24 hours during the early weeks. As long as baby is nursing well, there should be no need for any supplements of any kind
Breastfeeding positions
The words "positioning" and "attachment" are used to describe how you keep your baby at your breast to feed them. The most critical aspect of active breastfeeding is proper placement and attachment.
Latching on is another term for attachment. When your infant is well placed and tied, it will be easier for them to eat well, and it will be more convenient for you.
When you get used to the new sensation of breastfeeding, you can experience nipple tenderness or sensitivity at the start of a feed. Breastfeeding shouldn't be a traumatic experience.
Tips for finding a comfortable breastfeeding position:
For the under-arm hold:
- Your kid is curled up next to you, under your arm.
- To protect your back, use cushions.
- A pillow by your side will assist in the support of your child.
In the side-lying hold:
- You lay on one side of the bunk.
- Pillows have protection for the head and back.
- Your kid is curled up next to your body, facing you.
Pain relief
For the first few days after a caesarean, most patients feel some pressure, and for some women, the pain will continue for several weeks. Standard painkillers, such as paracetamol or ibuprofen, can be offered to you to use at home for as long as you need them. If you're breastfeeding, you shouldn't take aspirin or co-codamol, which contains the powerful painkiller codeine. Your doctor will be able to choose the most appropriate pain reliever for you.
There's a chance you'll get some menstrual bleeding as well.
To avoid transmitting bacteria into the vaginal area, use sanitary pads instead of tampons, and get medical help if the bleeding is serious.
REMEMBER to get help around the house postpartum. If possible, have your partner take a few days to several weeks off work (as much as you can afford!) to help out. You won’t be up to housework at ALL at first. Even accomplishing basic tasks for your own and your baby’s needs will be tough. This is major surgery. Your body will need time to recover and it is best to give it that time.